

Although you may plant turnips in the spring, many folks opt to plant theirs in the late summer for a fall crop.  This often lets you skip insect pressure and results in a finer textured, crisp, sweet turnip.  The old-timers used to say “The 27th of July, plant turnips, wet or dry.”  We plant ours a bit earlier because our winter comes early and often with a bang but most folks can either plant in the spring or late summer for a fall crop.  Plant your turnips in rows, about 1/4″ deep, about three inches apart.  When they are growing well, thin, if necessary, to establish nice spacing.  You may harvest some of the greens to eat as cooked greens or even in salads.  Then, when the turnips reach 2″ to 4″ in diameter, you may harvest, cutting off the tops an inch above the turnip.  Turnips store well in cool root cellars or unheated basements.  As they are a biennial, they must be replanted in the spring in order to send up seed heads.  In more mild climates, you may over-winter part of a row, under mulch.  In the spring, pull away the mulch and let the turnips begin growing.  They will send up seed stalks and form seeds.

When dry, cut the stalks off and place in a paper bag where they can be shattered  and separated from the stalks.  Store when completely dry in an airtight container.

TURNIPS  About 100 seeds per pack

Purple Top White Globe

Purple Top White Globe  Here’s an old-time pioneer variety that we still love today.  They are sweet, mild and easy to grow, loving the cool weather of fall the best.  You can not only eat them, cooked and raw but also save some to feed to your chickens or livestock.  50 days


Shogoin  This great, pretty white round, smooth turnip is so tasty.  We like to nibble on them raw in the garden, grate into salads and use in dozens of recipes.  I love them creamed, in place of potatoes as a main side dish.  50 days