

PEPPERS  about 20 seeds per pack  Note:  Peppers will often cross if more than one variety of the same species is grown. Save your seeds from completely mature (usually red, sometimes orange or other color) peppers.  Just pick and dry on a plastic plate.

Here’s a sample of the peppers we grow.

Anaheim Chile

Anaheim Chile  You’ll love this productive big chile pepper.  I grew tons when we lived in New Mexico and can even grow them here in Minnesota.  They are 8″ long and about 3″ wide, meaty and very tasty.  You can stuff them, dry them in ristas to hang in your kitchen or can them up.  Mmm  Mmm good!  Mildly hot for a chile too so you won’t blister your mouth.  About 70 days to green or 85 to red.

Bequino Red

Bequino Red  I love these petite little “bird’s beak” peppers!  They’re wonderful pickled or cut in half and tossed into a salad or other cooked dish.  They are sweet but have just a little bit of heat.  Hugely productive and stunning to view.  (Pronounced “bee keen oh)

Chervena Chuska

Chervena Chuska  is one of my very favorite sweet peppers. It comes to us from Bulgaria where it is treasured.  I used them for frying, grilling, stuffing and grinding to make a wonderful sweet relish as they have such thick walls with such good flavor.  They ripened quite early and were very productive.  You’ll love them too.  65 Days to green, 80 to deep red.


Corbachi   These sometimes-foot-long, thin, curved peppers look like they should be hot but they’re not.  They are one of the best sweet frying peppers going.  From Turkey, they are wonderful grilled, chopped in salads or pickled.  Hugely productive; stake your plants!  60 days light green, 75 days to red.



Cubanelle  THE perfect salad, pickling or frying Italian heirloom sweet pepper.  It’s thick, long and crunchy with wonderful pepper flavor!  Fry it in a bit of olive oil or roast on the grill.  60 days to yellow green, 80 to red.


Early Jalapeno

Early Jalapeno   We love our Jalapenos but especially love the Early Jalapenos as they are about 15 days earlier!  They are really productive, fat and hot too.  Dark green, ripening to red.  About 60 days to green and 75 to red.  (No they aren’t hotter when red, just prettier.)

Early Red Bell

Early Red Bell  Living in the North like we do, we always value tasty peppers that mature early.  Early Red Bell does just that.  These smaller plants are just loaded with thick-walled sweet peppers early in the season.  You’ll love them like we do!  48 days green; 60 days red

Fresno Hot

Fresno Hot  We were gifted some seeds from our California friends, John and Mia, which we planted in our hoop house this year.  Boy were they productive, even with our goofy, hot-then-cool summer.  These pretty, hot peppers will delight those of you who like some heat along with their flavor.  85 days to red


Hot Chinese

Hot Chinese  Will actually got these from China with no name but “hot pepper”.  They make a very tall, upright plant with thin, very hot 4″ long peppers pointing upwards like flames.  He was told if the plants were overwintered they would reach 6′ tall!  Ours only made four feet but, hey, this is northern Minnesota!  85 days to red, 65 days to green.

Hungarian Wax

Hungarian Wax aka Hot Banana  This is Will’s favorite hot pepper for pickled pepper rings.  You can also slice and fry it if you like it hot.  Very productive and quite early for us.  About 67 days to yellowish green and 84 for red.

Jimmy Nardello

Jimmy Nardello is the perfect sweet frying pepper!  This old-timer has been around for generations.  And for good reason.  This flavorful, thin=skinned pepper is wonderful roasted or used in stir-fry.  Quite productive too!



 King of the North

King of the North one of our favorite open pollinated sweet bells.  It’s large, thick walled, sweet and quite early and sturdy growing.  It ripens from green to red, being usable at all stages but sweeter when red.  68 days to green and about 80 to red


Lipstick is about the perfect pepper for slicing in salads or frying.  It is sweet and thick-meated.  Roasting brings out tons of savory flavor we can’t get enough of.  I use it in stir-frys and roasted over barbecue coals.  Yum!!



Mt. Etna

Mt. Etna was bred by Glenn Drowns at Sand Hill Preservation Center and is a hugely productive smaller plant with Italian-type wedge shaped sweet peppers which turn bright red early in the season.  We just love it!

Numex Big Jim Chile

Numex Big Jim Chile  Yep, I grew these chiles in New Mexico, where we lived for seven years.  But guess what?  They did great right here in northern Minnesota!  This Chile is hot but not scorching, very large, up to 12″ long, and smooth skinned.  Quite productive. 77 days



Oda is a wonderful addition through Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds.  Everyone who visits our garden wow’s at this prolific bright lavender pepper!  It’s a thick-walled, sweet, early pepper with huge production.  Inside, it’s light yellow so it makes a stunning addition to salads!  (The wonderful color does disappear on cooking, however.)  Matures to a deep brick red.  70 days  Sold out for 2024, substitute Lilac Bell, a beautiful lavender bell pepper.

Ozark Sweet Snack

Ozark Sweet Snack is one of our new favorite sweet peppers.  Wow!  This hugely productive, thick walled, sweet as candy sweet pepper is simply wonderful.  Our start to this great pepper came from a customer in the Ozarks where this pepper had been grown in his family for generations. Not only is it early but keeps pumping out peppers until after frosts in our hoop house.  It is also quite early too.  Perfect for eating fresh, salads, relishes, frying or pickling.  We love it.  60 days

Sonora Mild

Sonora Mild is for folks who love the rich, smoky flavor of chile peppers but don’t like the burning hot.  Sonora Mild is milder in flavor than even Anaheim chiles, bet has all of the flavor we crave.  Whether made into chile rellenos, roasted on the grill or added to your favorite mild salsa, this pepper will hit the spot.  Quite productive too!  75 Days green/90 red


Sugar Rush Peach (capsicum baccatum)

Sugar Rush Peach  We got our start with this wonderfully hot pepper from our friends at Baker Creek.  I couldn’t believe how productive this pepper is!  The plants were two feet and better tall and simply loaded with finger-long peppers.  Bred by Welch pepper breeder, Chris Fowler, this different pepper is fruity and citrus flavored…just before the heat kicks in.  If you don’t eat the seeds, the heat usually goes away quickly.  I love them, seeded and ground into my pepper relish!  Oh, and for you seed savers, this pepper won’t cross with your sweet peppers or most commonly grown hot peppers as it is a different species. 75 days

Thai Baby Dragon

Thai Baby Dragon  Unlike the more common Thai Hot peppers, these little devils are small, only 1/2″ to 1″ in length, growing on small, rounded mounded plants.  This makes them ideal for growing in containers or along borders of flower gardens where no young children or pets might eat them.  They are fiery hot!  And the pretty plants are simply covered with little, upright pointed peppers.  When you seed them or if you do like it “hot”, they are wonderfully flavored.  A customer brought them back from a trip to Thailand and we are so happy to have received them!  70 days to red

Venice Bootleg

Venice Bootleg came to us through friends.  Some folks had been vacationing in Venice Itally and eaten at a local cafe.  They loved the hot peppers in their dish and asked the waiter what kind of peppers they were.  Soon, the chef came from the kitchen, bearing a branch of the peppers, which he grew out in the backyard.  The folks “smuggled” some seeds home in their luggage so became known as “bootleg peppers”!  We’re so glad they did!  Very productive and just hot enough to make you sweat.