

In most climates, you can plant your muskmelon seeds in hills, five seeds per hill, with the hills spaced about 6′ apart in rows.  Here in the north, we have better luck starting the plants indoors in peat pellets six weeks before setting out in the garden.  Don’t plant your muskmelons until the soil has warmed up well or they will be set back and subject to insect damage/death as such bugs as flea beetles love tender muskmelon seedlings!  We plant our muskmelons in our hoop house or under temporary little row covers so they are warmer than our daytime temperatures reach in the spring.  Harvest when the melons give a bit when squeezed and the skin has turned from tan to yellowish.  A ripe muskmelon will usually also be fragrant if you give it a sniff.  To save the seeds, just rinse them in a wire sieve then place on a plastic plate to dry.  Store in an airtight container.

Different varieties of muskmelon will cross so only grow one variety a year if you wish to save pure seed.

Muskmelon; 20 seeds per pack


Noire de Carmes

Noire de Carmes is a true cantaloup, grown by the French Carmelite monks, centuries ago.  We love this spicy, juicy, sweet melon that turns from a dark, dark green to an orange/green spotted melon when ripe.  80 Days


Oka muskmelons were the super stars of our garden this year!  I only planted two hills in our main garden to give them a trial, starting them indoors 4 weeks before setting the plants out.  And did these gems take off!  Without plastic mulch or a hoop house protecting them, they quickly vined out and set lots of melons.  We ate plenty right in the garden and hauled in a whopping two buckets of them in the late fall.  Remember, this was only two hills!  And WOW was the flavor right up there at the top.  They have luscious orange, melting, sweet flesh.  75 days after transplanting.

Prescott Fond Blanc

Prescott Fond Blanc  We were intrigued with this bumpy, gorgeous light-colored muskmelon right from the start. It is truly different, and we love it. These melons made it from a direct seeding, with no plastic mulch or hoop house to help them out. And the flavor is simply wonderful; no sweeter melon is out there, and the melting flesh is so thick! Yum! 85 days

Sweet Granite

Sweet Granite  Here in Northern Minnesota, we’re muskmelon-challenged.  While we have no trouble growing a 100 day squash, direct seeded in the garden, muskmelons refuse to ripen.  Fortunately, not so with Sweet Granite.  This medium sized, kind of oblong, netted melon ripens outside without being on black plastic.  And it is drooling sweet, too!  Did I mention it’s early?  70 days

Wapsie Wonder   Bred by Glenn Drowns of Sand Hill Preservation Center and introduced in 2011, this early, very tasty and productive muskmelon impressed us this droughty year on sand.  It was truly a wonder!  We ate muskmelons until they were coming out our ears.  Not a bad thing.  75 Days